Key Account Management Training

Make Your Business Essential to Your Most Important Customers

Build confidence in making your business essential for
your most important customers through training

Make more money
Improve customer relationships
Avoid frustrated clients

You need your customers more
than they need you

Key customers are too precious of an asset not to do your best to protect and grow, especially if you are experiencing stagnant or declining revenue, or facing customer satisfaction issues.  

Is either or both of these situations making you frustrated and discontent?

There are numerous examples of companies who have developed and implemented key account management plans with great success.

Grow your business without
getting new customers

Boost Revenue

Make more money & improve retainment rates

Increase Loyalty

Reduce customer turnover and increase loyalty

Improve Satisfaction

Most businesses think they satisfy their customers, yet only 8% of customers agree

Don’t just care about revenue,

care about your customer

If you really care about your customer and how your product or service makes them successful, revenue and margin will follow.  We are experienced in successful key account management where collaboration with, and mutual respect for, our most valued customers helps them achieve their objectives with more innovative solutions and ongoing value.

Working with us is easy


Request a Consultation

This allows us to get aligned around your vision and goals for the project


Assess Your
Staring Point

Understand where you might be whether you have a key account plan or not


Get Underway

Start program by establishing plan to train your key account managers on successfully managing key accounts

Your key accounts are responsible
for 80% of your revenue

These accounts are extremely important not to keep and grow.  Investing to improve your revenue and customer satisfaction metrics will pay you dividends.

Even though you may have a key account plan, you have to ask yourself, are you getting the results you want?  If not, let’s take a look at how our process can help your teams improve.  If so, why not look at some alternatives that could move the needle?

One of the keys to the program is executive updates to keep management informed on progress and an ongoing monitoring process that will keep your team on track.

This process is based upon practical years of experience and research on many facets of improving key account relationships and how to maximize your team’s success.  Most KAM training methods offer content, but we provide context – the information necessary to allow them to make choices about how to respond to a situation rather than simply telling them what to do (asserting managerial control).

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