Case Studies

Our Case Studies Speak For Themselves…

Case Study 1

A newly formed organization planned to open its doors using a data processing system housed at their own facility.  The CEO came from another company that used a particular vendor for processing data.  Due to software problems, the company experienced performance issues that ultimately impacted customers.

At the new company, the CEO stated choosing that solution was one of the worst decisions he had made in his career.  So, the chances of buying a system by this same vendor was extremely slim.

The decision had to be made within two weeks to meet the opening deadline.

An account strategy was developed to help persuade the CEO the newer systems were from another software vendor and much more reliable so he could use the system with confidence.  A key component of developing this strategy included understanding the CEO by closely listening to his concerns, identifying each specific issue, knowing it was going to be difficult.  He asked us to wait until the new CIO was on board to help him with making a decision.

After the CIO (who used a competitor’s system at another firm) started, a plan was proposed to: complete a demonstration of the software; personally visit two other companies using the system; meeting with the support organization who would support their account; and, providing a complete users list to allow them to contact others who were using the system to get their opinions. 

All this happened within ten working days!

As a result, the company made the decision to go with the vendor’s system and later became a reference.

Case Study 2

One of the top corporations in its industry had a strategic relationship with one of the top two technology providers in the U.S. to run critical applications for the business.

One of the vendor’s chief product lines used by this company was put in “containment”, which bared any future purchases due to several issues with the technology that impacted the business.

The CTO of the company lacked confidence in the product’s design and performance as well as support. The data center managers had similar perspectives all of which caused a negative impact on the relationship as well as reduced revenue for the provider.

A strategic plan was put in to place to address the situation. This included:

  • Developing a plan and team to identify the issues and communicating this approach to the CTO
  • Identifying an internal resource who had deep experience in the vendor’s technology, architecture and a direct line to the factory
  • Meet with each data center management personally to get feedback and clearly listen to their perceptions
  • Visiting the vendor’s support staff in each city who maintained the account to inform them of how the customer perceived their support and performance and our approach to resolving the issues which required their support and commitment
  • Taking the results and working directly with engineering, making several enhancements to the technology to improve the reliability and performance
  • Reporting our findings to the CTO with steps to correct what was found and developing an online questionnaire to measure the customer’s feedback for ongoing improvements

After executing and closely monitoring the plan, the technology was taken off containment. The supplier secured an order for $2.5M from the company and significantly improved customer satisfaction for this key customer.

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